what do you do every day to better yourself

I am sorry for missing last Sundays post. Work got in the way but I’m here today with a new one! I hope you’re doing great and had a wonderful week! This is a long one so grab a cup of coffee or wine and let’s get to it. ✨

In reference to my other post, I wrote about being authentically you and to live the rest of your life in such way. Now the other question is, what do you do on a daily, or even weekly, basis to better yourself? It could be physically, mentally, passions and hobbies etc.. Whatever it may be that makes you feel better and want to do better for yourself.

I wholeheartedly believe that doing what you love increases your quality of life.
Like I said before, it could really be whatever if it brings you inner joy and happiness. For me, there’s some things that I do on a daily and weekly basis that does it for me. Reading, playing with my makeup, journaling, photography, writing and light exercise to move my body. I’m also in the process of learning French. Or I do understand French and can write in French but it’s the speaking part. It’s not good.

Growing up I spoke French fluently but as I got older, my knowledge of this language literally said bye bitch and here we are.

I have my ”French classes” every day for about an hour and exercise 3-4 times a week for 15-20 minutes. Makeup and photography happen between work because… adulthood. Journaling, reading and writing is also on my everyday list. My soul craves it, I just love words. Journaling has helped me so much in all areas of my life, especially mentally.
It has helped me to put things in perspective and I’ve also answered my own questions when I couldn’t find a solution to a problem. It has helped me to sort out what matters and deserves my attention and what doesn’t.

Journaling has brought me so many aha-moments about certain events and certain questions that I’ve spent too much time on trying to figure out. It’s a beautiful feeling to be able to let loose of your inner and deepest thoughts, be completely unfiltered and raw with your emotions. Your journal is after all for your eyes only so be as real as you want and need! The amount of mental clarity that journaling brings and have brought to me?! Please, don’t EVER underestimate the power of journaling and writing down your emotions. Seriously. 

Comedy (detail) | Pierre Charles Trémolières, c. 1736


Ever since I was a very young child I’ve always loved to create. It didn’t matter what it was. Painting/drawing, writing (books, song, novels, storys etc.) and cooking for example. Even sewing! I was barely 10 years old and already hella awesome using our sewing machine.

I guess I’ve always been quite artistic and since September 2020, I’ve been re-connecting with my inner child and what she loved to do and doing it now in an obviously more ”adulty”-way. Also, when this panorama is over, I’ve decided to find a piano teacher and learn how to play the piano. When I’m finally amazing at it, I’ll purchase a big black grand piano to call my own damn it. Hopefully, my home will not be haunted and the ghosts won’t play on it and wake me up at 3AM. I sincerely don’t want to burn my piano and house down for they’ll be quite expensive.

Now the things I do mentally to better myself are obviously different. I make sure to meditate once a day, preferably before bed. Other people read before bed; I meditate for about 15-30 minutes. I lay down in my bed, plug in my earphones, start a meditation video on Youtube (sometimes guided) and just surrender myself to mindfulness.

Birth of Venus | Fritz Zuber-Bühler, 1887.

Overall, if you want to upscale your life and increase your quality of life for the better, you must put some work in to it. It’s not always going to be easy, but I promise you that it’s worth it.

You must live your life for you and make yourself happy first and satisfy your needs before you can help others. You can’t fill a cup from an empty pot or however the quote goes. But this also demands you to be very self-aware (in general but also in your strengths and weaknesses) and very honest with yourself, about yourself.

Drop your ego and ask yourself what your weaknesses are. What are your flaws? What’s something you wish you could spend more time on? What are some habits that you need to break? What practical skills and qualities do you admire in others and wish you had? What could you happily do for a year if money wasn’t an issue? What are you most afraid of?

Don’t be afraid to answer these questions. It’s for your own good. Write them down or say them out loud. Or do both, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Ones ego wants to pretend like everything is fine and cool but don’t be scared to let your real self come through. Your life, mental health and happiness depends on it. You owe it to yourself but you also wholeheartedly deserve it.
That glimpse of pure joy in this stressful world and (sometimes) bullshit called adulthood. 🖤

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