Title: Ingen pratar om det här (No one is talking about this)
Author: Patricia Lockwood
Published: 2021
Pages: Swedish version has 226 pages (230 with notes and extra material)
Translation: Yes, by Helena Fagertun
Rating: ???

42 pages in and I could not continue reading it.
I was really looking forward to this novel and to indulge in the story but it didn’t stick with me.
Because of how it’s written but mostly thanks to the many different stories being told which made me too confused to keep up with it.

I might give it another chance in the future since I’m genuinly still interested in it, especially since I now know what to expect from it. It’s just that my brain can’t take this in right now and life is too short for some unnecessary struggle, so in the DNF-list it goes!

Other novels I’ve written about: Literature
My year of rest and relaxation
We were liars
My dark Vanessa

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